Health Benefits

Yoga Pose

Matcha is a very powerful antioxidant 

Antioxidants are responsible for neutralising the negative effects of free radicals: unpaired oxygen atoms that circulate in the body and attack healthy molecules that contribute to the development of heart, eye, brain and skin diseases and most types of cancer. The formation of free radicals can accelerated by factors including chronic stress and a poor diet. Antioxidants eliminate free radicals, restoring the balance of the body and supporting the immune system. Their impact makes us feel healthier, and slow down the aging process. Large amounts of antioxidants can be found in fresh fruit and vegetables, but matcha contains some of the highest concentration in the ORAC scale.


A rich source of Catechins, EGCG

Matcha tea is a rich source of catechins. It distinguishes itself from all other antioxidants by its specific properties in neutralising the activity of free radicals. Catechins reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, have an antibacterial and antiviral effect and reduce blood cholesterol levels. They also play a key role in protecting the skin from harmful solar radiation. A derivative of catechin called EGCG, which is present in matcha, is a particularly strong antioxidant. This organic compound has strong anti-tumor activity and is an antioxidant 100 times stronger than vitamin C. Because we consume whole ground tea leaves, when drinking matcha, one cup of this tea is equivalent to 10 cups of usual brew of green tea in terms of antioxidant content.

Matcha Antioxidant Comparison

Calming and relaxing

Matcha has been used by the Japanese Buddhist Monks for over 800 years as a means of supporting the maintenance of peace and clarity of mind during the long hours of meditation. Research shows that L-theanine, an amino acid concentrated in the leaves used to produce matchy, is responsible for these neuropsychiatric processes. L-theanine stimulates the emission of alpha waves in the brain, which affect our mood and evoke a feeling of relaxation and tranquillity, without causing drowsiness. L-theanine helps to induce the state of relaxation similar to the one achieved through meditation. A traditional powdered matcha has four times the content of L-theanine (39 mg per serving) as compared to traditional green tea served in a bag.

Matcha's Antioxidants & Benefits vs Green Tea

Improved memory and concentration

Nutritionists recommend L-theanine because of its beneficial effect on the maintenance of appropriate levels of dopamine and serotonin in the body. These two organic compounds play an essential role in numerous processes of the nervous system, such as sleep, motivational ability, the ability to experience pleasure. Serotonin acts as neuromediator, meaning a messenger for the body that transmits information between brain cells. Controlled levels make it easier to fall asleep and regulate blood pressure. A deficiency of serotonin can leads to a depressed mood, with a large deficiency potentially leading to depression. Dopamine is the main neurotransmitter from the group of catecholamines secreted in the human brain. According to recent studies, dopamine is the basis of motivational processes responsible for our willingness to act and improved learning.

Increased energy levels and endurance

War-time samurais drank matcha before an expedition as a natural energising drink. Matcha contains high amounts of L-theanine and other nutrients that have a positive impact on the immune system. The energy after drinking a cup of matcha can last over six hours. Despite the content of caffeine in matcha, there are no side effects after consumption that are typical for the state after drinking coffee, such as hyperactivity, high pressure and nervousness. A sense of inflow of energy is more stable than in the case of stimulation of coffee because caffeine is distributed in the blood in regular doses. There is also no risk of sense of outflow of energy, which consumers of strong coffee complain about. 80 milligrams of caffeine in a cup matcha is an equivalent of 90-150 milligrams in a serving of coffee.

Burn excessive calories

Matcha green tea accelerates the body’s metabolism, causing as much as four times faster fat burning. Unlike many diets on the market, matcha, being a natural dietary supplement, does not cause any side effects such as increased heart rate or elevated blood pressure.


The high content of chlorophyll, a pigment that gives the green colour to leaves, is contained in matcha and it helps cleanse the body of toxins. The amount of chlorophyll in the leaves increases as a result of a special production method involving shading of tea plants three weeks before harvest.  

Stronger immune system

The catechins contained in matcha tea not only help fight free radicals, but also have antibiotic properties and strengthen our immune system by means of its antibacterial and antiviral effect. One cup of tea provides significant amounts of vitamins A and C, potassium, calcium and iron to the body.

Reduces levels of "bad" cholesterol

According to research, people regularly drinking matcha have lower levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol and higher good HDL cholesterol. Men drinking matcha showed a 11% lower incidence of heart diseases than those who did not drink it. 








[6] American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2011